Thursday, March 14

Half Yearly Examinations!

The half yearly examinations are here! While not many students will feel this excitement, I was very encouraged by what I saw yesterday. The majority of students appeared ready, well equipped eager to start these exams on a good note. It was good to see the rigour with which students were approaching this exam and I was encouraged to see a large majority of Year 12 working right up until the end of the exam session time.

Going forward, you can put the notes for English, Ancient History, SDD, Geography and Visual Arts on the shelf for the time being and focus just on the remaining exams. This should mean that you will have more of your study time to allocate to your other subjects. I really hope that you continue to approach the remainder of your exams in the same way that you have approached the first two.

I pray that you can continue to study effectively and that you can remain calm through the remainder of the examination time.


Mr. Simpson.

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